Change is a constant in our lives. It seems that with the advent of the computer, things change more exponentially than in the past. In agriculture things can be slow to change, but if you do not keep up, your world will be left behind. Crop Consulting changed farming when introduced in the early 70’s. The ability to communicate has changed the way consultants can do business and has opened the door to expand their footprint.

What is Remote Farm Consulting?
Remote Farm Consulting is a program in which growers can have a team of agronomists at their disposal. This platform is for a producer who needs some precision ag expertise and/or for a producer who needs occasional advice here and there. This program is not meant to replace an established agronomist but to fill in the gaps where a helping hand is needed.

There are two tiers in the program. The first tier is call Foundation.  It encompasses most generic precision ag needs such as: Satellite Imagery, Imagery Interpretation, Yield Analysis, Variable Rate Prescriptions, data sync, Water Meter Logs, and Precision Ag Support. The second tier is call Evolution. It includes everything in the Foundation plus adds soil sampling, crop planning, and consultations.  For more details on the program check out

Remote Farm Consulting is a way for Crop Quest to reach out to growers out-side of our traditional trade area.  The service also fits growers who want help with precision needs but may not require a full-time crop consultant. In today’s world where things are more and more digital, this platform allows for a personal touch with a remote application. For more information, contact us or call 620-225-2233.

Written by: Kevin Hecht, Precision Ag Specialist