Grow Great Wheat
Pete travels the country sharing his success, because he believes in helping fellow growers succeed. This is the same reason Crop Quest Precision Agronomy is bringing Wheat Pete to Dodge City. “We want to bring all viable resources to our producers and help them sift through good information worthy of their time,” shares Dwight Koops President of Crop Quest.
Through this event we hope to challenge your conventional thinking of wheat. Pete will spark new ideas, and get you thinking what CAN be done in your operation to increase yield and utilize inputs to the fullest. Every wheat grower around will find agronomic topics of interest to them – whether they learn, unlearn or relearn.
Come and allow yourself to think differently. Agree or disagree, Wheat Pete will get you thinking about what you could be doing to make this the best wheat crop possible in 2023!
Agenda – February 3, 2023
8:30 AM | Registration Opens & Breakfast |
9:30 AM | Wheat Presentation |
11:00 AM | Wrap up Wheat Presentation and Q&A |
12:00 PM | Meal |
1:00 PM | Let’s Talk Other Crops |
2:45 PM | Networking/Round Table Discussion |
RealAgriculture Agronomist
Strategies for record-setting winter wheat.
Get the Heck Into Dodge!
Treat your palate to a wide range of dining options in Dodge City before or after our event (but we’ll provide the lunch).