Profitable Precision Ag for Offense and Defense

“Heads or tails?” demands the referee as the coin is tossed into the air.  Every football game begins with a choice, heads or tails. Profitable Precision Ag requires making a similar choice. It seems like with the flip of a coin, commodity prices are going up or coming down.  Just like in football, we have [...]

2024-06-21T15:14:27+00:00Categories: Precision Ag|Tags: , |

Thriving Off Of Precision Agriculture

It isn’t a question of why would you use precision agriculture (PA) on your farm?  It’s a matter of why wouldn’t you use PA?  As Craig Koehn, Crop Quest Agronomist from Montezuma, KS sees it, utilizing precision tools can potentially save time and money on most farms. In fact, precision agriculture is becoming such a [...]

Precision Ag Drone Images: The True Big Data

Precision Ag, drone images, UAVs and big data are terms that you will see in nearly every farm magazine available.  These terms have become such popular topics that they are even showing up in main stream media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal and USA Today.  Most articles portray UAVs and drones as platforms [...]

2020-06-08T16:30:41+00:00Categories: Precision Ag|Tags: , , |

Where to Start When Searching for a Precision Path?

A question commonly asked when discussing Precision Ag (PA) is, “How is Precision Ag going to benefit my farm?”  Benefits can take many different forms depending on the precision tool and its use, from generating more money to saving time to business advancement. Attaining any of these benefits will involve setting a goal, building a [...]

2024-06-21T15:04:41+00:00Categories: Precision Ag|

Variable Rate Seeding: Easier Than You Think

Your planter may be smarter than you think!  If you were capable of dropping seeds in the field exactly where you would like them, you could expect the plants to respond in a positive way and ultimately maximize yield in that particular spot in the field.  Variable rate seeding is a major step to reaching [...]

GPS Soil Sampling – The Basics Exposed

GPS soil sampling marks the end of one crop, while welcoming the beginning of the next.  The decisions made at this point will affect a farms direction over the season to come.  So, it’s worth spending a little time evaluating what went well, what can be improved and how to adjust.  Hopefully this planning will [...]

2024-06-21T14:56:37+00:00Categories: Precision Ag|Tags: |

Farm Satellite Imagery: Revealing Nozzle Problems

Ever heard the phrase “too little, too late”?  Working in agriculture today, producers can’t afford for anything to be too little, or too late.  There are too many variables leading up to harvest affecting your yields.  Luckily, farm satellite imagery can identify nozzle issues and alleviate some of the unknowns. A problem that we are [...]

2024-06-21T14:59:49+00:00Categories: Managing Crop Irrigation, Precision Ag|Tags: |

Yield Mapping To Improve Crop Yield Potential

With the high costs of crop inputs, it is vital to ensure the inputs applied are necessary and beneficial.  Yield mapping can provide the key to determining the effectiveness and efficiency of the inputs. “Many producers have yield mapping capabilities but not all take advantage of the technology,” says Craig Koehn, Crop Quest Agronomist in [...]

Does Precision Ag Pay?

“Yes is does!” exclaims Farrell Allison, Crop Quest Agronomist in the Dodge City, KS Division.  “At times, Precision Agriculture information and technology can be overwhelming but once all the pieces are together, it does pay,” he states. Allison consults on approximately 40 fields that are using some type of Precision Agriculture (PA) system. The most [...]

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