Planting Precisely: One Shot is All You Got!

Planting is one of the most critical jobs of the season. You only get one chance to place each seed in the right spot, and the details matter. Small adjustments can make a big difference in emergence, uniformity, and ultimately, yield. At Crop Quest, our agronomists work alongside farmers to evaluate planting conditions and provide [...]

2025-03-27T20:29:36+00:00Categories: Agronomy Services, Planting, Precision Ag|Tags: |

Tax Deductions Available for Residual Fertility on Purchased Land

When we typically think of grid sampling, our goal is to locate where nutrients are deficient and in excess across a field.  This allows us to target fertilizer applications only to areas that require additional fertilizer and take advantage of the excess nutrients in other areas of the field by reducing the amount of fertilizer [...]

Finding A Better Planter Seed Tube Option

In recent years, companies have developed innovative precision planting solutions for farmers. Modern advancements on seed tubes enable planters to operate at speeds exceeding 6 MPH while maintaining precise seed placement and consistent spacing. This advanced planting technology replaces traditional seed tubes with a flighted belt system. By transporting seeds individually to the furrow, [...]

Maximize Your Fertilizer Dollars

The availability and the price of fertilizer have been going in opposite directions – and not in the direction we would like to see.  We are dealing with inflation and supply chain disruptions that are unprecedented – with no apparent plan to alleviate the problems. Producers have clamored to get fertilizer applied this past fall [...]

2024-06-20T21:09:07+00:00Categories: Crop Fertilizers, Precision Ag|Tags: |

Top Five Reasons to Grid Sample

Variable rate technology is becoming more affordable and is also becoming more commonplace. Obtaining data to put that technology to use on your farm will prove to be worth your time. One way we can help you put this important data layer to work for you is by Grid Soil Sampling. Below are some of [...]

2021-03-15T13:00:51+00:00Categories: Grid Sampling, Precision Ag|

Remote Farm Consulting: Reaching Growers Outside of Our Traditional Trade Area

Change is a constant in our lives. It seems that with the advent of the computer, things change more exponentially than in the past. In agriculture things can be slow to change, but if you do not keep up, your world will be left behind. Crop Consulting changed farming when introduced in the early 70’s. [...]

2024-06-20T21:16:36+00:00Categories: Precision Ag|

Rain, Rain, Rain…The Benefits of Crop Satellite Imagery

Throughout the year, we look to our Agronomists and Precision Ag Specialists for their expertise and input on providing timely and knowledgeable articles to our customers and industry leaders via our electronic newsletter. Every summer, we challenge our Interns to do the same. We award up to 5 scholarships per year for winning articles. The [...]

Innovation in Action: Multi-Hybrid Planting

One of the great things about precision agriculture is that technology is constantly evolving in order to make farming more productive. Variable rate fertilization and seeding is becoming increasingly popular and continues to be adopted rapidly throughout the Great Plains. From this, a new technology has emerged and farmers in the market for a new planter [...]

Crop Yield Monitoring for Higher Profits

How do we use crop yield monitoring to improve profits?  To answer that question, first lets look at what impacts profit. Profit = Income – Expense That looks pretty simple at first glance.  Dig a little deeper though and you will discover ways to improve a farm’s bottom line.  For example, yield impacts both the [...]

When Average Won’t Cut It – Variable Rate Soygreen Application

The current commodity prices have growers everywhere going through their crop budgets with a fine-toothed comb.  Finding a trusted advisor to make sure expenses are managed properly is important in this environment.  With slim margins, average isn't going to cut it in 2017.  It's going to take exceptional management during these difficult times to sustain [...]

Site Specific Crop Management – Keeping It Simple

When I started with Crop Quest in 2010, the term site specific crop management or precision ag was only meant for the producers who were on the cutting edge of technology. In just this short amount of time the meaning of this term has changed tremendously. Now site specific crop management encompasses a wide variety of [...]

Are You Managing Water Efficiently?

Being from Missouri, interning with Crop Quest in Southwest Kansas was a huge change and learning experience for me, as the agriculture industry is completely different here from what I am used to! There was one thing I was all too familiar with though; water management. During my time with the Precision Ag Team, I [...]

Sirrus Expands Client Communications

Communication is a valuable skill that Crop Quest cultivates in our employee-owners.  As a group of consultants, we deal in information.  Our services are built around knowledge and sharing that knowledge.  So when a new tool for communicating like SST Sirrus is revealed, we do all we can to take advantage of it. When scouting, [...]

2019-01-10T19:07:46+00:00Categories: Precision Ag|Tags: |

NDVI Imagery – An Ace in the Hole!

Having an Ace up your sleeve in a card game might get your arm broke, but having one in the game of risk management might just keep you from going broke.  The Ace in the game of risk management I am referring to is in-season NDVI imagery.  Crop Health Imagery from satellites provide a valuable [...]

Crop Imagery: Early Detection Is A Key Benefit

Early detection is key - that’s what we are always told by doctors. After my summer internship with Crop Quest, one thing I learned is that early detection is key in agronomy as well. Within what seems like the blink of an eye, a small issue can go from hard to find to a yield [...]

2024-06-21T15:20:18+00:00Categories: Precision Ag|Tags: |
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