Planting Precisely: One Shot is All You Got!

Planting is one of the most critical jobs of the season. You only get one chance to place each seed in the right spot, and the details matter. Small adjustments can make a big difference in emergence, uniformity, and ultimately, yield. At Crop Quest, our agronomists work alongside farmers to evaluate planting conditions and provide [...]

2025-03-27T20:29:36+00:00Categories: Agronomy Services, Planting, Precision Ag|Tags: |

Managing Iron Chlorosis in Soybeans

At-planting EDDHA Chelated Iron treatment vs check with no Iron added shows dramatic results in severely deficient soils. Iron Deficiency Chlorosis (IDC) in soybeans is a significant concern for soybean growers, as it can lead to substantial yield losses. This physiological disorder is characterized by the inability of soybean plants to uptake sufficient [...]

Finding A Better Planter Seed Tube Option

In recent years, companies have developed innovative precision planting solutions for farmers. Modern advancements on seed tubes enable planters to operate at speeds exceeding 6 MPH while maintaining precise seed placement and consistent spacing. This advanced planting technology replaces traditional seed tubes with a flighted belt system. By transporting seeds individually to the furrow, [...]

Double Crop Following Wheat

Wheat harvest has started earlier this year, and with the recent weather, it should progress quickly across the wheat belt.  This situation will allow growers to evaluate the feasibility of putting in a crop behind wheat. Of course, the viability of this is dependent on numerous factors – with soil moisture being primary. For non-irrigated [...]

2024-06-20T21:15:56+00:00Categories: Planting|

Planting Season Is Upon Us

Planting season is upon us! Hands down, the planting operation is the most important pass of the season. Take the time to ensure yourself of an even stand, and a stand that emerges as close to the same time as possible. A little extra personal discipline to focus on the details will ensure that the results you see on the combine meet your expectations!   Here [...]

2020-04-29T17:38:52+00:00Categories: Planting|Tags: , , |

Grower Focus: Take-Aways from Randy Dowdy

If you attended our Grower Focus event on February 7, you heard Randy Dowdy, National Corn and Soybean Yield Record Setter visit about the importance of timing and attention to detail. We had a large crowd join us at Grower Focus. We wanted to emphasize a few of the key points that Randy [...]

Growing Crops with Small Irrigation Wells

There is some difference of opinion as to what constitutes small irrigation wells and being a relative term is open for interpretation.  However, anytime the capacity of irrigation is unable to match the crop’s evapotranspiration rate, challenges of a small well are apparent. Some strategies for maximizing water use and reducing risk with small wells [...]

Innovation in Action: Multi-Hybrid Planting

One of the great things about precision agriculture is that technology is constantly evolving in order to make farming more productive. Variable rate fertilization and seeding is becoming increasingly popular and continues to be adopted rapidly throughout the Great Plains. From this, a new technology has emerged and farmers in the market for a new planter [...]

Are Seed Costs a Fixed Cost?

Many producers express frustration with the cost of seed. But not necessarily because of the actual cost of a bag of seed, but because regardless of yield goal, yield potential or length of maturity, the cost of the seed remains relatively the same. Unless you adjust population, a field that raises 180 bushel of corn [...]

Spring Weather Outlook May Bring Challenges and Hope

Jeff Doran is a Senior Business Meteorologist with Planalytics.  With Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Meteorology, time spent in the Air Force, and 15 years with Planalytics, Jeff has over 30 years of meteorology experience under his belt.  He took the time to talk with us about upcoming weather predictions that will affect this planting [...]

2020-04-29T19:48:54+00:00Categories: Crop Growing Conditions, Planting|

Roundup Ready Alfalfa Is A Must When Spring Planting

“It’s vital to use Roundup Ready Alfalfa when planting hay in the spring,” agrees Rob Benyshek, Crop Quest Western Region Vice President and Eric Konrade, Crop Quest Division Manager, Garden City, KS.  No other pre-emergent herbicides can be used on spring planted alfalfa, which is why it is important to utilize this Roundup Ready trait [...]

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