Maximize Your Fertilizer Dollars

The availability and the price of fertilizer have been going in opposite directions – and not in the direction we would like to see.  We are dealing with inflation and supply chain disruptions that are unprecedented – with no apparent plan to alleviate the problems. Producers have clamored to get fertilizer applied this past fall [...]

2024-06-20T21:09:07+00:00Categories: Crop Fertilizers, Precision Ag|Tags: |

Why Sampling Soil Can Be Important For Yield

Throughout the year, we look to our Agronomists and Precision Ag Specialists for their expertise and input on providing timely and knowledgeable articles to our customers and industry leaders via our electronic newsletter. Every summer, we challenge our Interns to do the same. We award up to 5 scholarships per year for winning articles. The [...]

2024-06-20T21:15:18+00:00Categories: Crop Fertilizers|

Nitrogen Applications Offer Growers Flexibility

As with any biological system, very few decisions about production inputs in your operation ever have a single solution. The advantages and disadvantages of the options need to be thoroughly analyzed. Agronomists often consider the four R’s when developing a fertilization scheme: The Right product, at the Right time, at the Right rate, at the Right place. Specifically considering nitrogen fertilization options, [...]

2024-06-20T21:21:35+00:00Categories: Crop Fertilizers|Tags: |

Soil Testing Methods

Tyler Gardner, American Agricultural Laboratory While soil testing is frequently overshadowed by newer and more exciting areas of crop production, it remains an integral component of maximum yield production. The particular methods used to obtain soil nutrient levels are often overlooked by producers when choosing a consulting service and agricultural laboratory, and the [...]

2020-04-29T17:51:27+00:00Categories: Crop Fertilizers|Tags: |

The Importance of Managing Potassium Deficiency in Cotton

Cotton can be a tricky plant to manage. Unlike most other row crops in the US, it is an indeterminate, perennial plant farmed like an annual through the use of plant growth regulator hormones (PGR). PGRs are used to attempt to shut down or slow the vegetative growth of the cotton and force it into [...]

Split Nitrogen Applications Are Evolving

Recently I was asked to contribute to an article Precision Ag Professional was putting together.  The point of view from the corn belt on split nitrogen applications was interesting.  I was a little surprised at the implied low number of split applications being made in the corn belt since this is a well-established practice under [...]

Fertility Requirements of Alfalfa Production

Alfalfa production in Southwest Kansas is a profitable crop. Initial seed costs are comparable with corn, but when amortized out for a five to seven year stand, costs are around $20 per acre per year.  Furthermore, since alfalfa is a legume crop, nitrogen fertilizer is not required for production, assuming seed was inoculated and nodules [...]

Phosphate Fertilizers

Most farmers understand the importance of nitrogen fertilizers in relation to yield, but many do not fully realize the importance of phosphorus fertilizers in maximizing yields and improving fertilizer uptake efficiencies. Phosphorus fertilizers are the second most important fertilizers for many crops throughout the High Plains.  Unlike nitrogen which is a mobile nutrient, phosphate ions [...]

Why The Sudden Interest In Corn Nitrogen Models?

Risk management appears to top the list of reasons. Weather causes uncertainty, which leads to questions about nitrogen movement. Nitrogen (N) losses and nitrogen use vary with the weather. Many areas this spring were wetter than normal, so growers ask where did the nitrogen go? Do I have enough N remaining in that field to [...]


One of the most challenging nutrients to manage for crop production in the Southern Plains is potassium. Many of our soils in this region are sandy and are derived from low potassium parent materials. It is not unusual for our staff to recommend fairly high application rates to these soils to push production. Several of [...]

Soil Organic Matter (OM), What Is It & What Does It Do?

I came across an article in the Noble Foundation’s Ag News & Views Newsletter, a number of years ago, that does a very good job of explaining what organic matter actually does in the soil.  Much of this article was taken from that particular article. Most of us have a general sense that organic matter [...]

2024-06-21T15:22:54+00:00Categories: Crop Fertilizers, Growing Cover Crops|

You Can’t Buy a Miracle Fertilizer in a Jug

One of the most common questions we hear is: “What do you think of this fertilizer? It is supposed to increase my yield by 20 bushel.” But at what cost? Looking at some of these specialty fertilizer analyses, household well water has more nutrient value.  Now, we are not saying these products do not have [...]

2024-06-21T15:08:45+00:00Categories: Crop Fertilizers, Growing Cover Crops|

Foliar Fertilization of Pecans in the Desert Southwest

Although Georgia has been one of the leading states in pecan production, several states in the west have become top pecan-producers, including Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Over the past several decades changing economic factors have led to increased pecan production in the high desert valleys of southern Arizona and New Mexico. Growers find [...]

Starter Fertilizer Basics

Applying a pop-up or starter fertilizer at planting has become commonplace.  Here are just a few things to keep in mind as you prepare your planter this spring. By definition, pop-up refers to fertilizer put in direct contact with the seed, and a starter fertilizer is typically placed a couple inches away from the seed [...]

Zinc Fertilizer Sources

Kevin & Christine Grooms, Owners/Operators of American Agricultural Laboratory. Zinc (Zn) is a micronutrient critical for proper growth and development in plants. Although we do not fully understand zinc’s specific role, it is certain that zinc is involved in the production of chlorophyll, protein, and various enzymes involved in metabolic reactions for proper [...]

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