Rootworm Strategies
June is the typical month for scouting western corn rootworm larvae in continuous corn fields of the high plains. Agronomists understand the damage that this pest can cause, and many hours are spent digging to [...]
Considerations For Double Crop Soybeans
With the recent uptrend in soybean prices, many producers are showing more incentive to plant double crop (DC) soybeans following irrigated wheat this season. Recent rainfall and milder temperatures have allowed many producers to save [...]
Dealing With Pill Bugs In No-till Soybeans
Pill bugs have become an issue in south central Kansas as we have transitioned away from tillage into no-till on our irrigated fields. Excess residue on the soil surface has created a perfect environment for [...]
Insect Resistance in Alfalfa
Weed and insect resistance to different kinds of pesticides continues to be a hot topic in agriculture. Most of us are aware of the resistance of glyphosate to a handful of common weeds. About six [...]
Selecting Postemerge Herbicides
As crops, and of course weeds begin to emerge this spring, many producers may not be aware of the process their Crop Quest Agronomist uses to select appropriate herbicides for control of these weeds. There [...]
Cotton: Starting Clean, Keeping Clean
Roundup resistant weeds in cotton have become a major problem, so starting clean is key to finishing clean at harvest. Under conventional till, we need to consider using the old “yellow” herbicides, like trifluralin - [...]