Gray Leaf Spot in Corn
Gray Leaf Spot (GLS) is a fungal disease that can cause significant yield loss in corn when conditions are right. This disease develops rapidly under warm and humid conditions. GLS is more prevalent in the [...]
Avoiding Arrested Ear Syndrome
Arrested ear development can occur if certain adjuvants are applied to corn during the vulnerable V12-14 growth stages. Arrested Ear Development or Syndrome is a physiological condition caused when certain stresses are present [...]
Planting Sorghum Following a Failed Wheat Crop
Guest Post By Brent Bean, Ph.D., Sorghum Checkoff Agronomy Director Unfortunately drought conditions through much of the Southern High Plains have led to a failed wheat crop for many growers. For some of these fields, [...]
Double Cropping Grain Sorghum Following Wheat
Guest Post By Brent Bean, Ph.D., Sorghum Checkoff Agronomy Director Planted grain sorghum following a failed or harvested wheat crop (double cropping) is an option for many regions of the U.S. The success of the [...]
Reduce Stress to Maximize Yield Potential
Managing plant health and reducing plant stress are crucial at various growth stages throughout the life of a corn plant. These practices can greatly influence final yield potential. Ear size and the number of kernel [...]
Understanding Grain Fill Weather – Optimizing Wheat Yield
We are headed into the all-important grain fill period of wheat where temperatures greatly affect the overall yield of the crop. Ideally, we want to see a long grain fill period. The duration of grain [...]