Preparing For Your Next Wheat Crop – Now!
Wheat harvest will wrap up shortly across the High Plains. It was an interesting year. A dry fall and winter was followed by an unusually wet spring. Late freeze and snow events added to the [...]
What Is The Cost Of Saving Your Own Wheat Seed?
Many producers plan on saving back some wheat for seed. This is partially a cost saving decision. But the question is whether it truly is cheaper to save your own seed vs buying certified seed. [...]
Split Nitrogen Applications Are Evolving
Recently I was asked to contribute to an article Precision Ag Professional was putting together. The point of view from the corn belt on split nitrogen applications was interesting. I was a little surprised at [...]
Defining a Comprehensive Farm Consultant
In addition to traditional crop input decisions, Crop Quest customers utilize their farm consultant to help make extensive crop planning decisions. Decisions that are centered around technology and biotechnology tools. The growth in the collection [...]
When Average Won’t Cut It – Variable Rate Soygreen Application
The current commodity prices have growers everywhere going through their crop budgets with a fine-toothed comb. Finding a trusted advisor to make sure expenses are managed properly is important in this environment. With slim margins, [...]
Monitoring Water Use Through Water Meter Log
It appears that we are heading into a drier than normal spring across the High Plains, and the long-term weather forecast is for normal to below normal precipitation this summer. So, what else is new! [...]