It’s not too early to start thinking about this fall’s wheat crop. With adequate soil moisture across the High Plains, we are looking forward to getting this upcoming wheat crop off to a good start. Starting this crop with a proper fertility program is important. Your Crop Quest Agronomist can help you with this by taking soil samples on your wheat acres and designing a fertilizer program that will set you up for success. Once we know what nutrients need to be supplied to the wheat crop, we can help make sure those nutrients are applied at the proper time and place. Phosphorus is important to getting wheat established in the fall. Split applications of Nitrogen will ensure that the wheat will produce the most grain – with high quality – when timed correctly. Correcting issues like low pH are important prior to wheat planting.
It’s important to get your wheat seed cleaned and sized to assure a healthier stand come planting time. Larger seed size can increase germination rates with the added benefit of better stand establishment and more robust early growth. Start this year’s crop off right so you are in position to reap an abundant harvest next summer.
As always, the best advice is to closely work and consult with your Crop Quest Agronomist to determine the best fit for your operation.